Which websites will list my event for free?

Which websites can you get a free listing for your event on? Here is the ultimate guide! 

(However the free event listing landscape is always changing as event websites come and go. Please leave a comment below if you know of another great Aussie website where you can list an event for free.)

One hidden benefit of listing your event on third party websites is that it will help Google include your event in searches that potential attendees might make, such as a search for “events near me”.



Australian Tourism Data Warehouse  

ATDW is Australia’s national database of tourism information, compiled in a certain format for automatic distribution through select national, state and regional tourism websites.

Find instructions and tips on posting here. At least one high resolution image is required (2048 x 1536 pixels) for a listing. 



Create a Facebook page for your event and a Facebook event (find out how here). When you create the Facebook event, be sure to include the location as this will help Facebook promote your event to people who are nearby (residents and visitors). 

Use the Facebook event’s Invite button to invite your contacts to your Facebook event.

Ask your sponsors, stakeholders, suppliers, volunteers, stallholders, etc to share your Facebook event (and promote the experience they’ll be offering at your event in a post in the event’s Discussion).

Ask your local What’s On page, or local tourism page to add the event to their page. (Ask them to click on the three dots at the top of the event and choose ‘Add to Page’).

Search for Facebook groups that are local and also those that are based in the regions of your attendees (where your target markets live) based on interests that are relevant to the event. Join the groups as your page, then post about the event in the groups. 

You can also use paid Facebook advertising to boost your event post so it shows up on the NewsFeeds of those who fit the event’s demographic and geographic profiles for target markets.


Eventfinda Primary.jpg


EventFinda claims to be the biggest and most comprehensive event database in Australia. The site has 450,000 website visitors, and provides the ABC & Triple J with content related to upcoming events. Eventfinda listings are also exported automatically to the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW).

Basic listings are comprehensive and free with photos and links. Featured listings, which start from $65, connect your event to over 160,000 newsletter subscribers.  


Local Tickets 

Local Tickets is an Aussie event ticketing website that feeds local event ticket websites such as CoffsHarbourTickets.com.au and FraserCoastTickets.com.au. It's free for organizers to list their events if their event is free to attend. 



An image of less than 2MB is needed for a listing on Everi.



It's free for organizers to list their events on Eventbrite if their event is free to attend.



Sites related to your region and theme 

Search in your local and target regions and by the event’s theme to find local events pages for your town, region, or by theme, such as music concerts or triathlons.  

Your Council or local tourism website likely has a What’s On webpage that you could submit your event to.

Check to see if your local media has free community event listings and announcements.

This list of websites organised by state will get you started, though quite a few of the websites are for events in the capital cities.

Partners’ sites

Remember to approach your event’s sponsors and stakeholders such as local businesses who benefit from your event’s visitors to ask them list your event on their website and to talk about it in their social media.

Learn effective event marketing

Event marketing Master Class webinars (watch on demand):

Leave a comment below if you know of another website where event managers can list their event for free!